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  • Writer's pictureKeverne Denahan


Have you chosen the fonts for your business yet? If you have been following my other blogs or taken one of my webinars, you have already created many of your Brand DNA elements, such as Brand Voice & Tone, Color Palette, and more. But then there is the font choice.

Deciding which font represents your brand can be overwhelming. After all, there are thousands of choices. You can hire a Graphic Artist to help you with this, or you can do it yourself. If you're on a tight budget, I recommend doing it yourself and running it by a professional or someone with excellent taste to see what they think.

This blog won't go into the different characteristics of fonts, such as serif or sans serif or modern versus traditional, but that sounds like another blog subject!


If you're building your website using a platform like WIX, they have already chosen the fonts that work with that template. I created my website using WIX. I am not a Web Developer, but my site is elementary. I have three pages of content, and that's it. I changed my template around quite a bit to reflect my brand with colors and formats that I like, but I used WIX's fonts because their combinations worked well with my branding.

For example, the primary font for all my documents is the Avenir family of fonts. On my website, I use Work Sans Semi Bold / Light for headers, with a sprinkling of Bree, Spinnaker, and Avenir Light for different sections of my website. What they all have in common, to me anyway, is a clean, modern look. Choosing the primary font that has a family is always a good idea.


As you are selecting your fonts, choose something that goes with the brand image you want to put out there. For example, I love the unfussy look of the fonts that came with my WIX template. I guess that's why I didn't change anything. As my regular text font, I had already chosen the Avenir family of fonts, so it was natural that I would have liked the template I decided on with the other coordinating fonts.


Look at what you have created already, and then check the fonts. You might notice that you already have favorites you can implement as your brand font.

Just a heads up, ensure that the fonts you choose are readily available in Word and most apps (for social graphics). Many font phishing sites have obscure fonts that look cool, but once you download them, they've got your information.


I found this great blog: "50 Perfect Font Combinations to Kickstart Your Next Design." As I looked at the different font combinations, I realized how much work they saved all of us. There are no combinations in this article that I don't like, and I am not sure I would have known or had the time to put them together myself.


Once you decide your fonts, write them down and keep them with your Brand Color Palette and the rest of your Brand DNA elements, so they are all together. If you get any work done for marketing materials in the future, you will need to know your main font and your other fonts.

When you create a Brand Style Guide, you can add the Typography Hierarchy with use cases. This blog, however, isn't about the typography hierarchy; it's about choosing fonts that work well together and reflect your brand image.


Add your new font choices to your Brand DNA folder and recognize that you just completed another task of your branding style. Well done, you!

Until next time,


Keverne Denahan

Luxury Brand Expert & Copywriter

Copyright © Keverne Denahan 2022


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